so i started class today .. meet some old fren same class n some not .. basically all thoise classes are just introduction n stuff.. ntg much .. n no tutorials for 1st week .. .. so quite relaxing for me... for this week ... dinner basically just wit hee n yee ling.. no one else... been to serdang.. dengkil ... n.. my campus.. there is a place to eat where we call is HB .. hostel block .. there are 4 blokcs HB1 HB2 HB3 HB4 .. all 4 blocks has 2 shop selling food.. n 1 for drinks... ok ....wat else.. ntg special this week ... i get to know my housemates... n i c new faces every once in a while in my hosue which consist of Ex-housemate of my housemate... :> .. kinda fun.. my house like hotel.. there are 2 beds outside at the living hall ... n can hold up to maximum of like 3 person there.. wit an extra mattress.. can be more i suppose... well ntg much ...
WEEKENDSat weekends... which is friday till sunday ... yee ling n hee went MELAKA yet again .. zzzz .... so i just stay in the room play maple... doing ntg n back to week of boredom life... nv bath for 1 whole day .. as no 1 ask me for dinner n stuff... so there is no point going out of the room .. right?? ...
SUNDAYat night.. they came back n ask me out for dinner... n so we went to campus as they 2 were tired.. so nv go too far... have soem decent dinner n get back house... ntg much for this week though ...
# posted by limys @ 5:13 PM