WHY I AM HEREso this is a week before my school starts .. y i come so early.. basically is because there will be a so call 'important' briefing at wednesday ... but my parents fetching me here... so due to working day .. i need to be here at weekend... so ... saturday i reached here... unload all my stuffs... then i stay overnight at my aunt place (puchong) ... then the next day .. went buy some furnitures n stuff.. n night my parents went back n i stay in the house ALONE.. as my housemates are all seniours.. so they are not back yet... cool huh ...
as i said.. is a week of boredom ... so i pack everything ... then i started to look for something REAL important for me... INTERNET~!... i found a router... a switch ... n a manual book ... so i follow it n set the gateway n stuff... n i got online~! woohoo~ ... at least something to do ... so for the week i just maple ...tat's y they said i lvl up fast ... actually is not... i duno ....
TUESDAYmy fren [hee] came... he drove here... he called n telling me tat he cant stay in his house 1st..because some housemate of his haven't pay the deposit yet... so he have to stay at my place for few days.. so imagine.. 1 single bed on the floor... n 2 person sleeping... i will leave tat to ur imagination on the position... ntg gay .. dun worry ... still i maple.. while he... i duno .. online.. tat goes 1 day ...
WEDNESDAYthis is the day for the stupid briefing... which i think waste my time after i atend it.. except for those papers i get regarding my course n subjects i need... [i can just ask from my frenz]...so after the stupid thingi ...i went back home n .. hmmm cant recall wat i done.. nvm tat .. is not important anyway..
THURSDAYso ... today ... cant recall much ... skip~!i think today 1 of my housemate came back .. cant remember though... everyday seems same to me for this week .. but i nv meet him ... he's in his room i'm in mine.. cool huh .. 3-4 days without meeting each other...
FRIDAYhee went to melaka on this day .. morning .. or izzit thursday morning .. oh well .. my memory sux.. so off he goes leaving part of his luggage at my room due to 'packness' of stuff in his SLK .. hope u guys know wat's tat ... so he went melaka n came back on monday next week ... this day ..i registered my course... subjects .. i arranged the time but... things doesn't go so smoothly..some of it full or watsoever reason .. i have to simply just take 1 session ... but it turn out QUITE nice timer table for me... 2 days of MORNING class... at 8 ... tat's killer time for me ... argh ~oh yeha ... wat i have for my dinner these few days?? erm.. for today .. the onli places i go is my room .. bathroom [for pee, not bathe] and the kitchen[for hot water to cook my indomee] ...
so today .. yee ling came .. n i helped her move her stuff out our her car n to her house .. wat else.. [thinking]....well cant think of anything ... so after tat i went back house n continue my day of boredom...later on she asked me out to tesco puchong... we eat lunch .. or dinner there..sushi king is the palces we went to ...then we went IOI mall for fun .. ntg to do .. then she came my house for some animes.. she wanna browse my anime n take it back .. :> .. then she fell asleep here... waiting for her fren to come back .. coz she dwanna stay in her house alone... then is too late.. so i accompany her to ake the lift.. y ?? because she sked to take lift alone.. phobia coz of an incident happened at MMU melaka's ghostly block ... oh well .. not to scare any1.. is just tat block is old.. ntg much .. n the lift is creepy.. it can go from third floor to the bottom .. n u can hear the sound of power supply failure.. then on back n goes all the way up to third floor again ... ntg much .. . ok continue.. .at nighty... bout 1 or 2 am .. 1 of my housemate came back .. or 2 houemate came back.. i heard a women's voice... they cleaned the kitchen ... tehn i stay in the room ..nv help ... omg i m a siner....n so my day of boredom on saturday ends...
so today ... let me c .. i clean my room ... then my houemate knocked on the door..he wants to borrow my vacuum cleaner s he heard me using in the room .. keke ... tat's teh onli tool for me to clean teh floor.. i nv mop .. or sweep .. i just vacuum~.. fast n easy .. n so he introduced himself n the '3-4 days in a house but nv even meet housemate' to me ... his name is Chris... n the other 1 is Alex.. Alex is chinese n Chris is a indian .. he is staying in the master room wit his gf .. tat's where the women voicce came from .. keke ... n alex staying in a single room .. tat's all for my housemates.. 4 ppl in a house.. :> ... at night ... forgot.. skip it.. so my week of boredcom ends... 1st week of study starts...
so basically tat's the outline of my week of boredom .. n the next day (monday) i wet to class according to the stupid time table.. actually i planned to find ck .. which is chee kang... but apperantly he went back ktn .. his bro came back from india or sumwhere i forgot... YES~! week of boredom ENDS!~
# posted by limys @ 4:23 PM