long time no blog.. it's been a week .. is a fake.. onli the event tat's being blog stagnant for a week .. i just blogged.. bout .. thursday ??
last monday .. 23rd .. i woke up early then went to kl wit family plus my aunt.. staying beside my house... before reaching kl .. we meet the rest of our relatives at bukit tinggi .. which is .. my mother's brother's family .. n sisters' .. n my grandparents.. ARGH !! english just hard to explain who is who !!! aunty n uncle!! how u expect others to understand!!
the main reason we go there is to bring my grandparents for a walk there.. it's a 1 day trip .. oh n i never know u need to pay entrance fee to go inside.. haha ..well .. tat's how they earn .. actually it;s kinda relaxing to go there once in a while... so 3 cars leave the place at bout 4 something.. details on wat we did there.. well .. just walk around.. botanical garden .. rabbit farm ... some sight c-ing.. n stuff tat u can do there... basically it's the onli thing to do threr...
then we all went to PJ Paris for dinner... i almost die because i was too full n can hardly move.. zzz .. i need to sapu all the food.,.. not say need.. but tat's wat i do normally.. after tat we go back ... so i stay at my uncle's place.. wit my family ler... at night we went tesco to buy some stuff for my sis.. which she joined us at PJ Paris... oh .. the food there was nice.. n fast.. highly recommended place to go for dinner...
here are some pic we took at bukit tinggi.....

this is the resort... if u were to spend a night here... u will be staying inside those houses... c??
there are black n white swan there.. at the pond... aint they pretty??

this is obviously the black swan ...

n this?? white 1 ... there's another 1 which is not in this pic...

here r my cousins taking photo wit the rabbit i holing on my hand... aint they cute... i mean my cousins.. n the rabbit as well ...

me taking pic at the botanical garden or duno wat ...
the next day .. we went to KLCC ... u guessed it.. we went to aquaria.. well .. for me is AGAIN ... no choice.. need to go someplace where kidz can go ... this time my grandparents never follow... well .. for those who been there.. nonit for me to tell wat's special there.. but tat day i duno y .. the que was damn long where we waited almost an hour for our turn .. after we came out from aquaria... we went to the park outside KLCC there for some high tea.. (just some bread) more like picnic .. tat place is crowded wit people.. it's holiday.. tat's y ... at night my family split wit them as we were invited by one of my uncle to another place for dinner.. at .. salak selatan ..
as for tat night! something which i cant believe myself either... I BROKE INTO MY HOUSE!! well .. u might ask .. where's the key.. i got onli 2 keys for my house.. this house i m talking is my house at cyber there... 1 key is for the lock .. the front gate .. another is the key for the wooden door .. BUT .. when i reach there .. i found out tat the front gate.. is LOCKED!! n i dun freaking have the key!! so me n my father try hard to break open the door... not forcefully.. i duno how to explain .. we just did it.. n the door is return to it's original locked form after we left.. keke .. still .. i broke into my own house!! to get my comp .. since the comp i brought back ktn spoiled.. zzz ..
n we went back on wednesday morning.. after go visit my aunt.. my mother's eldest sister.. ok .. i hate it.. is just hard for me to express wat i wan in english .. i'm so weak .. lolz... so story ends...