Thursday, November 23, 2006


1st Post

ahh ... how many days since i last blogged.. it's been a long time.. at least for me yeah .. kinda long time.. lolz... i filled my free time by watching slam dunk n one piece... so .. cant help .. lolz..i got like 140 episode of one piece now... i almost finish .. then i iwll contunue wit slam dunk while waiting for the next 20 episode to be downloaded... it's going in a fast speed though ... :>

ntg much to write here.. for the past week .. ntg much .. went climbing during weekend.. just like usual .. n go to class .. (skipped class as well) my life's so boring.. sleeping at almost 4 everyday makes my boredom raise to the max.. haven't been dota-ing since long.. just anime n .. anime.. online n stuff.. ntg much ..

ktn fellow having stpm now .. aus fellow studying now... just back from aus de fellow is experiencing the same boredom as me now.. except she don't even have a campus to go to . :P .. some holiday fellow having fun on a trip around malaysia... some kl-studying fellow such as me living the same old plain live everyday ` sienz!~

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