Friday, December 28, 2007



i just finish watching the replay i get from cc de comp .. which is rawang tourney final ..if not mistaken .. is KS vs CT

at 1st KS seems like losing.. then they say wa push to late game.. so they did.. n wat da u know.. they win... errr... i can consider it tabao at last there after sladar got blink ONLI .. otehrs hood n small stuff... plus sf got assult AND deso ... plus some random item like hood bot n stuff...

other 3 character just ignore.. lina warlock and qop .. ct got viper 1.2k hp ....bristleback 3k+ i suppose wit heart n assult and vanguard.. tiny .. leshrac.. zeus.. yeah .. tat's their formation ..

after their item out.. viper die wit just 5 hit from sf... IMAGINE.. how can this be!!! sf got onli 90+140 dmg.. well .. did i mention viper got 6-28 armour ?? yes tat's it! armour.. sladar amplify who who die.. IN AN INSTANT.. OMFG.. tiny leshrac and zeus.. i need not mention right?? even without sladr amplify they can die in accident in tat situation .. so ignore.. as for bb.. it takes time for them to kill also .. since u know bb is gay shit hero .. keras like diamond x 2 ... after amplify he onli -13 like tat.. he got assult also lar.. so is normal .. then need all 5 .. guinsoo .. wat shit also kena him baru he can barely die before entering fountain ... -_-

ks so lan yeng man ~.~ i watch few their replay.. also very yeng!!! mkvl also they tabao .. -_- wit fv.... i duno y.. they just.. geng.. and i found out each n every1 of them can use any hero .. like lina u can c 3 ppl using in 3 games.. all diff ppl de.. i wonder y ...

speechless.... .. . .......

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