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Monday, January 28, 2008Sem Break
now kinda tired.. but feel like blogging.. so just blog bout my sem break .. how's tat.. my sem break started 7th jan till 27 jan .. which is today .. 3 week break .. seems short right.. i always thought it's very very short.. but this time i feel a bit different.. this time my sem break can be split into 3 category .. - ktn week - perlis week - kl week as usual .. .. sem break .. i follow hee's car back ktn .. since for some reason .. yeah .. the perlis week thinngi .. so back ktn .. like normal .. went out ja gei a bit wit mc n qy n frenz.. everyday stay in house .. watch astro .. wit those very sienz de drama which i dun like at all .. so it's sienz for me.. stay up late .. c if got any football match or any discovery/animal channel good show ngam me... n suff like tat.. tat 1 week is Long.. on sunday of the 1st week .. i follow my mother back kl. . since she going for an appointment.. n i wanted to go kl as well .. so i follow.. i got back cyber on monday itself.. once i reach .. rest a bit.. then i went kajang.. find cc.. da gei .. (right?) n suff like tat... tuesday .. wat i did.. cant remember well .. OOOO .. i remember.. i wanted to go out some place.. but ended up sleep at cc place whole afternoon .. then b cyber... then packing on tuesday night.. 12 o clock .. i gather at my campus.. then off we go .. perlis! .. climbing trip .. woo hoo .. finally... to shorten n skip thing up .. just ignore this perlis trip .. i might open a new post for it ... so i went perlis for like.. 5 days.. 5 days onli .. but to me.. it seems like few weeks.. i wonder y .. maybe my whole day was fully occupied.. -wake -climb -dinner -sleep -wake.. n so on .. woo .. it's truely a CLIMBING trip .. btw.. we went bukit keteri .. and also gua kelam .. so back to kl week .. i back from perlis on monday ... reach here bout monday evening... like previous week ... went kajang.. find cc.. then we went sk long .... details i need not explain .. - on tat night ck missed a flight back ktn n he came meet me at sg long.. he got back the next day- next day.. fetch ck go bus station .. tat took me whole freaking afternoon ..WTF .. for details u can visit HERE on tat night.. fetched cc go INC.. he went training.. then i b.. fetch xuanz.. -finally get to meet her :P - wednesday .. noon .. went out to summit for climbing.. yeah .. something healthy n nice. :> then at night.. bout 7 ++ just right before i wanna go back .. received a call from ky .. asking me if i wanna go FTZ.. well summit n FTZ is just 5 minutes a way .. y not.. (close to my initial plan) so ky get cc.. and i meet them at FTZ... tat night i drove some long way to some place for no reason .. f ! ky fren car broke down .. so he called me to go there.. they were in subang.. n me.. i already reached puchong .. just 10 minutes away from home.. then i go to their place.. wala.. their car is ok .. they petrol station guy fixed it.. so basically i drove there.. c "o .. tat's how waja engine look like" then i b .. n the best part is.. i still kena kuai lan .. wtf .. n so another night at my house.. :> and as for thursday .. i drove my car to chaun's place.. then he fetch me to outdoor shop buy my harness... so nice.. it's actually kinda like a jalan jalan cari fun thing .. he went outdoor center bought million .. i failed to find a harness for myself.. then at last went to summit .. well .. i got 1 there.. finally. : > tat goes my afternoon .. at night.. at night.. went kajang fetch cc out.. went to sg long.. 2nd round went point extreme.. n btw.. we did ajak ky .. he said he got sumthin gong on till 9.30 .. man tau .. he went clubbing.. TAK AJAK .. zzz .. lolz.. another night at kajang.. friday .. went meet my mother .... from this point onwards is family day dy ... my cousin's wedding on saturday .. . friday night there's a buffet dinner at my aunt place.. so all gather n have dinner there.. tat noon din do much .. chekc in hotell .. sleep ... then dinner.. saturday ... big day for my cousin sister.. she's just 1 year younger than my uncle.. i hate to explain the uncle n cousin part.. which site?? who n who ??? sienz... so morning is the wedding thingi .. u know lar.. night is the wedding dinner at 1world hotel. .. at noon .. we sempat went to sunway pyramid shop a bit.. as usual i no mood shop .. so i walk walk n found out there's event at the main stage.. astro celebrities came n have some chinese new year celeb thingi there.. singer sing songs.. then play some games.. n stuff like tat.. i dun get to meet kevin cheng.. since he will be coming.. according to d Mc .. so do lam fong.. i saw a lot ppl holding his poster waiting for his signature.. :> i guess... tat night itself they have astro drama ..... erm .. wat u call tat.. award thingi going on .. at sunway pyramid.. (saw ppl setting up stage.. red carpet n stuff) so they stop by . show face .. before going for the award thingi.. n again .. very sad i cant c... talk bout the dinner.. was ok .. ntg special .. just when u reach .. u were to gather outside the ball room .. n have some cocktail party like thingi .. where u drink n chit chat.. some snacks ... outsdie the ball room .. BEFORE the dinner actually starts... (is my 1st time c-ing this .. so i feel cool) except i dun un how ppl can drink beer/wine when they are so hungry .. lolz~~ wine n beer is all they had during tat night.. i mean for alcoholic drink .. i wan brand ....... sadly dun have.. :> sunday .. today 3 in a row!!! another house warming party ... my aunt's house at USJ .. another big food~ is the same.. all relatives gather.. lunch .. chit chat.. before going back ktn .. as for me.. i can choose between going KLCC meet ck they all .. or go buy grocery .. continue family day . :> n so i did .. went mydin USJ .. heard it's big n nice.. mydin mall !! MALL ... bought some food there.. then went back cyber.. n just now went kajang yc.. now finish blogging... |