went shopping at 1U today ..
went find xuanz bout 11 this morning... after lunch then together wit airin, zhi yan, n yappie... (xuanz' room mates n housemate.) we went 1u...
ntg much bout the journey... but somehow for some reason yappie can sleep right away right after he's in the car... -_- i used kl-seremban, federal, kerinchi link, sprint, then LDP to reach 1U there... seems complicated? it's actually not... total bout 30+km...
today we did some REAL shopping.. n i really do mean WE.... as in ALL of us get to buy something...
like usual .. finding parkinga at 1u there is headache... not logic at all ... sumore raining... parking outdoor is not an option ... can they just freaking link all their parking together?? like sunway did.. (sorry i m sunway pyramid supporter) .... well .. but anyhow managed to find a nice parking place... just happen to c the owner coming out from the complex.. so followed him ..
did some shopping ... xuanz looking for her dress... flowery dress.. lolz... as for me i juse c wat's nice n buy.. polo tee is on d list.. together wit a belt.. shopping details were not tobe mentioned here lar... walk here n there.. go in .. test here n there... bought this n tat.... sumthin like tat...
i bought a polo-T at FOS... n i was kinda like the later 1 to get sumthin ... they all got dy 1.. lolz...they pro shoppers...
went sushi zanmai for dinner....
so sorry to my sis tat promised to find her for dinner... mana tau at last ding et to find her dinner... we went sushi .. she said she had it day before at sakae (sakae lagi ... ) then she had to cook maggie at house.. so charm : (
well...sushi zanmai is a new place for all of us.. since it's new in 1u .. as far as i know.. it's new lar... saw it appear like 1-2 months ago ...sumore needa que up... zzzz.... the sushi there were quite nice.. some cheap some expensive.. ntg very special bout the taste.. but in term of size.. it's smaller... :> actually din get to try their diff kinds of sushi .. we get a seat not on the belt.. can c they got a lot a lot diff kinds of sushi never seen from any other jap rest. i went.. n looks nice.. but i just like to c the real thing n pick them ... so just ordered some we know.. their set were not bad.. though choices is not as much as others.. but still consider ok ok lar... 8.80 for 1 tempura wit egg rice... or chicken wit egg rice... (please add some imagination on fancy naming on the dish)
i boguth a shirt.. those got button 1... short sleeves..
for those who think i m rich to buy fcuk .. stop thinking tat way... my shirt got 60% off!! sumore additional 20% ... as for the lucky fcuk T-shirt got 30% off + additional 20% as well ..
so is not very exp onli lar... ok ok lar...mine liek 70% off the price ler... not bad mar... original price not to mention lar..
so finally we all bought our stuff... so happy.. xuanz get to buy her dress also ... before dinner de thing...
n then ler... saw a notice board saying... spent rm100 n get ONE card for free... watit wat... we went to apply... take out all the resit... rm100 get 1 .. can be accumulated as well ... n WALLA... end up ALL 5 of us get to apply 1 each !!! so just imagine how much we spent today ... all 5 of us... -_-
all 5 of us got ONE card... oh oh ... n i finally bought the ................... 波子水 at the jap shop beside sushi zanmai .. the 1 i saw at hee place... he said it's like drinking gas... n it's real .. lolz.. not SO gas lar... but more or less like soda water like tat lor... wit some flavour...
woot...as a result... all of us got wat we want... i cant find my belt.. just 1 polo T n 1 shirt for me... airin bought 1 scarf for his cousin, 1 G2k shirt... 1 FOS Tshirt i suppose.. forgot... zhi yan got 1 Tshirt.. yappie got 1 G2k shirt, 1 fcuk Tshirt.. n xuanz got 1 dress finally... as she wanted..
n i dun hate 1U tat much ... :> since it's a nice place to shop ... IF u got the endurance to walk TAT far lar... haih ...
for some bonus pics...
lovely~~ @-@-end-
# posted by limys @ 2:41 AM